Dental Implants
What Are Dental Implants?
While an implant may be a more aggressive treatment than a simple crown or bridge, it provides a strong dental structure that can lessen your susceptibility to gum disease and bone loss. For these reasons, dental implants are considered the gold standard in the replacement of missing teeth.
At Chow Dental Group, we have the ability to complete your dental implants from start to finish with the assistance of our in-house periodontist.
Our Dental Implant Procedures:
Surgical Reconstructions
Mini Dental Implants
Implant Retained (Dentures)
Implant Supported Prosthesis (Fixed and Hybrid)
Dental Crowns & Dental Bridges
Implant Complications Aesthetic/ Functional
Fractured Abutments
Broken Screws
What Are The Advantages Of Dental Implants?
Dental Implants, beyond looking more like natural teeth, help stop the process of bone resorption, which happens when the patient loses a full tooth (crown and root) and which can change the appearance of the face.
Dental Implants are a solution designed to last a lifetime, particularly when combined with prosthetic components by the same brand as the dental implant.
Conservation of the natural teeth
In the crown & bridge technique, the teeth adjacent to the lost teeth must be filed down to be used as anchors for a bridge. But dental implants eliminate the need to damage healthy teeth.
Preservation of the bone structure
Dental implants transmit the force of chewing to the jawbone, thus helping to conserve it. In the case of partial prosthesis or conventional bridges, the bone gradually suffers resorption, because the jawbone is no longer being stimulated.
Preservation of the palate
Covering areas of oral mucosa with removable prosthesis interferes with the palate. This does not happen in the case of implants, which are more comfortable and can avoid the need to use removable prosthesis.
Maintaining quality of chewing
Dental prosthesis supported by dental implants improve chewing efficiency and effectiveness in addition to improving the patient’s nutrition.
What Are The Consequences of Losing Teeth?
If you have lost any of your teeth, you no doubt realize there are consequences to living without them: Your smile may not look the way you want it to; eating, speaking and intimacy may be more difficult; and your self-confidence may fade. There are also hidden consequences of losing teeth that affect not only your appearance but also your health.
Loss of jawbone inevitably follows tooth loss
Remaining teeth shift or tilt into the spaces left open by your missing teeth
Bite problems and even jaw joint (TMJ) pain
Compromised nutrition and poor general health
There are several treatment options available to restore or replace missing teeth, depending on your clinical circumstances. One or more of the treatment options may be suitable in your case.
Conservation of the adjacent natural teeth
Preservation of the bone structure
Full functionality of the original tooth and no one can see the difference
Adjacent teeth are modified
Bone Loss is not prevented
Looks and feels natural
Avoid surgery
Quite simply, a fixed Dental Bridge fills the gap between one or more missing teeth. The process of implementing a fixed bridge usually involves multiple trips to the dentist to customize the bridge. A fixed dental bridge looks, feels and functions like natural teeth, does not require removal for cleaning and is typically much more cost effective than a dental tooth implant.
Implant-supported bridges do not depend on your natural teeth for support and are instead connected to dental implants. Improved stability is just one of the benefits of implant-supported bridges
Preservation of bone
Teeth look & feel more natural
Maintain chewing quality
Chow Dental Group
1 Hallstone Rd,
Brampton, ON
L6Y 0S9
Monday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Tuesday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am - 7:00 pm
Friday: By Appointment Only
Saturday: By Appointment Only
Sunday: Closed